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April 26, 2023

Why your company needs a clear vision, mission and value statement?

When, back in 2004, I started my studies in Management, I was thrilled with the way an initial idea could be transformed into a National or even International Company. I was also thrilled with the way a company could have so much impact in the society and the world we leave in.

It seems a combination of creativity to come up with the idea and instinct and very good understanding of the market and networking and lot’s of insights and the right timing and a little bit of luck as well. But it’s not! It’s something more than that. It’s the way you combine, organize, coordinate, execute all the above along with a set of skills and hard work and clear goals and business tools, methodologies, practices, systems and above all a purpose! That’s it! A purpose! We are human. We all need an answer to our “whys”. We all need to feel heard and understood and included and valuable. And there is no better way for a company to align hundreds and thousands of different people (stakeholders) than a common purpose and common values.

It’s not a coincidence that the greatest companies internationally have very clear vision, mission and values. It’s not a matter of a theoretical, nice-to-have text that is written down for the sake of marketing or HR or for satisfying the founder’s “perfect student” syndrome. It’s a matter of strategy! It’s the way you do business. It’s your pitch deck. It’s your “roadmap” when you have business dilemmas or multiple priorities to choose or difficult decisions to make. It’s your brand personality and identity. It’s the way you communicate internally and externally. It’s your organization’s culture. It’s the added value you offer to the society. It’s your answer to “why bother”: why bother buy your product/service, why bother work for you, do business with you, invest in you and “what’s in it for me” if I do so. It’s your foundations, your solid ground.

Moreover, your vision, mission and value statement are not mummies preserved to live in eternity. It doesn’t mean that if your create them once, you will keep them forever, no matter what. Yes, they are supposed to be your company’s compass and keep you on the right track. But things change. Business needs change. The world changes daily. Your company grows and as it grows it may also want to pursuit new paths and opportunities. And that’s alright! You will then need to update your initial statement, in order to make sure that it still serves your company and that your company still serves it.

On the other hand, if you own or manage a company that works for years without a clear and written vision, mission and value statement, personally I congratulate you for having survived that far. I am sure that in a way, it was at least clear to you this statement. Even if it existed only in your mind. But imagine how more powerful can your company be by involving and aligning all your stakeholders in that statement. Imagine how far can you go and how agile can you be.

So, if you are still with me, at the end of this long article, I thank you and I invite you to either create your vision, mission and value statement if you do not have one or do a quick dust on your existing one. But above all, make sure this statement:

1.      Is inspiring

2.      Serves your company daily and

3.      Your company serves it daily 

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